Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Livre
- RCAAP - Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal
- OASISBR - Portal brasileiro de publicações científicas em acesso aberto
- LA Referencia - Rede Federada de Repositórios Institucionais de Publicações Científicas da América Latina
- NDLTD – Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
- DART - Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
- PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charg. (PQDT - Official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress, with millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to the present)